Andrey Alekseev: journalist, sociologist and autoethnographer

90 years since the birth of A. N. Alekseev


  • Boris Doctorov Institute of Sociology, Russian Acedemy of Sciences Author


autoethnography, dramatic sociology, methodology of qualitative research, legacy of A. N. Alekseev, Soviet sociology


The article presents memories of the Russian sociologist Andrey Nikolaevich Alekseev. Through correspondence, conversations with colleagues, personal documents, the autoethnographic foundations of his work, breakthrough ideas of a personal approach for his time (1960s-1970s), which became popular in foreign sociology only a few decades later, become visible. The correspondence between Alekseev and Tatyana Zaslavskaya, statements by Vladimir Shlyapentokh, Boris Firsov, Vladimir Yadov, Hulot Vooglaid and other prominent sociologists of the Soviet and post-Soviet period are given. Alekseev's contribution to the formation of the methodology and theory of Russian sociology is difficult to overestimate, the proposed article reveals only minor facets of his talent. 

Author Biography

  • Boris Doctorov, Institute of Sociology, Russian Acedemy of Sciences

    Boris Doktorov — D. Sc. (Philosophy), Honorary Doctor of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


