Ways of forming and developing isolated local societies


  • Juri Plusnin National Research University — Higher School of Economics Author


provincial society, community, spatially isolated community, ethnic composition of the population, territorial groups, local ethno-social history, social interaction


A phenomenological concept of ways for the local communities’ formation
and development is proposed. «Model object» is spatially isolated communities. Such communities experience minimal external impacts for a long time. Including they have a low level of migration. Three ways of forming isolated communities are described. They are due to the ethnic composition of the groups of first settlers: Russian or mixed. Two ways of development of such communities are substantiated. The first way is development according
to the type of agglomeration: one-time or sequential “gluing” of ethnically and/or territorially heterogeneous groups of inhabitants while maintaining territorial disunity and heterogeneity
of ethnic composition. The second way is development according to the type of agglutination: the successive «layering» of newly arriving groups of migrants on the autochthonous population with their subsequent assimilation.

Author Biography

  • Juri Plusnin, National Research University — Higher School of Economics

    Plusnin Juri — Dr. in Philosophy, PhD in Biology, professor, National Research University — Higher School of Economics.
    Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya Ulitsa, 20.
    E-mail: jplusnin@hse.ru.


